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Check These Quick Facts and Details about Manholes

Most of us have seen a manhole, but have your wondered about its function and other aspects? A manhole is basically vertical hole, which allows access from the ground to the sewer or storm-water line underneath. Manholes are more than important because these allow the process of inspection, maintenance, repairs and more. Also, manholes are used to connect storm-water lines and sewer lines, as and when required, besides changing direction. Below are some of the other aspects worth knowing.

Where are manholes found?

More frequently, manholes are found at the junction where two storm-water lines or sewers meet. Also, you will find more manholes in areas of line or alignment changes. Also, the municipality regularly places manholes as storm-water lines and sewers are extended, so as to ensure better access.

Types of manholes

For the purpose of inspection, maintenance and repairs, manholes are classified according to the depth. Shallow manholes are around three feet deep and are more used at the start of the storm-water or sewer line. Typically, manholes are around five feet deep, and these are called normal manholes. Anything that’s deeper than five feet is known as a deep manhole. These are usually covered with a heavy cover, and most importantly, a ladder is used to get underneath the ground surface.

What are the common materials used?

Manholes were traditionally made of precast concrete, which were considered to be extremely durable, but these days, you will find options made of fiberglass and plastic too. The choice of material depends largely on the size, depth and the application of the manhole. Manufacturing processes may vary, and in recent years, the use of plastic and fiberglass manholes has only increased. The plastic ones are made from a plastic molding process, known as rotomolding. The end products are extremely durable, and companies like FiberTech Inc can customize production accordingly. Manholes made of plastic have no seams, so the maintenance and repair work are effectively reduced. Also, such manholes can be designed according to requirements, and a pre-designed ladder can be included too.

You can check online to find more on plastic and fiberglass manholes. Manholes are often ordered for precision, and the plastic models weight much lesser than their concrete counterparts. Many manufacturers specialize in making them, as mentioned above, so complicated requirements for an order is never a major problem. Also, don’t forget to check further resources on placement of manholes, if you are interested in the subject.

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