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6 Best Features of VoIP Calls that a Business Can’t Do Without

VoIP can be a friend when running a business in this technologically advanced age. VoIP is abbreviated for Voice over Internet Protocol, which refers to the wide range of technologies using the internet to make and receive calls. There are several benefits to putting down the traditional phone and using a VoIP local phone number. The VoIP services are available at low monthly rates, have multiple features, and are more portable. This article highlights different features that a VoIP phone system can provide to businesses.

Advanced Call Management

VoIP service featuring advanced call management helps companies prioritize, hold, route, and block incoming calls. This particular feature will support front desk operations and minimize customer frustration. Moreover, it also aids in improving VoIP call quality and impact.

 Call Routing

A VoIP local phone number service also offers a call routing feature. With this advanced feature, companies can systematize how to direct incoming phone calls. The inbound call can be routed based on customer type, purpose, agent performance, issue, and staff availability.

Auto Attendant 

It takes a lot of effort to handle calls all day, and thus, this is the reason why customer support staff look for help. An auto attendant can help answer, escalate, and route all incoming calls without a human switchboard operator. Using a virtual receptionist, a company can save on hiring costs, keep agents sharp, and satisfy customers.

Business Text Messaging

A significant proportion of customers prefer texting over making calls to companies. A high-quality VoIP service has them covered. Most VoIP solutions offer business SMS texting features to companies and unlimited messaging services. With business text messaging, employers can send notifications to customers or update their field teams.

Call Forwarding

Missing an important call might end up causing massive losses to businesses. Companies need to answer their customers’ concerns regardless of where the customer support team is. The call forwarding feature of a VoIP service enables enterprises to route the calls received on their local phone number to designated devices on employee mobile phones. It will allow employees to receive calls from anywhere and keep in touch with customers.

Call Analytics

The right customer insight is key to transforming the business into a profitable entity. For this, managers must collect and analyze real-world data. VoIP runs on multiple devices, such as desk phones and softphones. It means that VoIP service can help record and process all sorts of call data, including session metrics, individual agent performance, behavioral trends, and others.


VoIP services have replaced traditional phone services by providing many features and benefits. In addition to some basic traditional phone features, including call forwarding, holding calls, and call waiting, VoIP service offers some other advanced features. Businesses can use a web portal provided by a VoIP service for managing different features. However, before choosing features, companies should know their requirements. Since not all VoIP services are efficient enough to provide all features, look for the one that can offer the required features.

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